
10 Years, 1 Amazing Announcement....

Generally each Halloween, I write a nice post about my husband and I because Halloween is the day we became an official "us." This Halloween marks 10 awesome years of togetherness, and also an amazing announcement we are overjoyed to share with everyone....

That's right: Our family is officially growing!!!! 

My husband and I are really excited to share with the world that the Criswell family is getting another buckaroo! And honestly, aren't those little boots adorable?! They were my husband's when he was a wee lad. Now we don't know if it's a boy or a girl...I'm just 11 weeks right now, but what we do know? This is big news and it's gonna change a lot around here. 

So if you've been wondering where in the heck I've been in the blogosphere, well, the simple answer is that I have been growing a darn baby. Contrary to all those awesome pictures you see where pregnant women look all happy and well rested, I have been anything but these past weeks! I couldn't stomach food for about two of them, was too exhausted to do anything during the last month, and was just plain hormonally imbalanced for several weeks now. Long story short? I was hiding out! 

Now that we are nearly in the second trimester, I am feeling loads better (and a lot more excited). I'm ready to get back out into the world and resume most of my normal schedule. That includes blogging. AND, as I am sure you can imagine, I am completely stoked to add some great new pregnancy oriented blogs to my roster! 

So the format may be changing a little around here, but don't worry, you can expect the same great sass and recipes with a little bit more family stuff!!! I hope you are all as excited as my husband and I to welcome a new little bossy-pants to the family!!!! 

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! And happy anniversary, babe, it's been a great 10 years!!!! *Muah!* 


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So so excited for your family :) <3<3

    1. Thanks Shaye! We are excited to share our baby with so many awesome people we know will be in his or her life! (Hint, hint....wanna babysit? Just kidding ;)

  2. Omg!! Ahh! That is SO exciting!!!!!!!! May babies are the BEST because they get here just in time for summer so you're not uncomfortably preggo in the heat AND you can drink again. Seriously, who wants to go through a whole summer sober? No me. Oh yeah, and the babies themselves are pretty cool too. :-) I am so happy for you guys!!!

    1. Haha. I love everything about what you just said!!!! Thanks Emily! We are really excited to take this cosmic journey!!!
