
Two Paper Sisters {Adult Time Out Pages!}

Happy 2020 all you people out there is cyber space! I find it ironic that my first post of the New Year is 1)incredibly late and 2) imploring you, dear reader, to put your damn self in time out. But, as they say, Momming ain't easy. Which brings me to the point here...

I am not big on putting my kid in time out mostly because I don't really understand how to actually enforce her to sit in one place... plus, you know, positive parenting techniques and all that jazz. But you know who regularly needs a time out? ME

And while adult coloring books have been moderately successful for me in the past, these days I am more into non-committal shit. Like Lizzo. So when my frrrrand Susan told me about her adult coloring pages geared at giving parents the dose of profanity and time out we need, I was over-the-moon. 

While I consider myself something of a wordsmith, I  am not great with word oriented tasks such as word scrambles and crossword puzzles. However, my brilliant friend and her sister made a crossword puzzle that I can actually do, which I have to say, is something in and of itself. Also, anyone who offers me a word scramble that involves the word "Dicks" is pretty my best friend forever. So there's that.

Also, the "calm down" instructions around the page itself are hilarious. They are well written and definitely have that humorous bent that we all need to get us through those times when we have heard "Mommy" too many damn times in the span of five minutes.

These are great, downloadable pages that you can snag on Etsy and do yourself, or mail to a friend or family member that you know needs a little TIME OUT! Because six to eight hours away from your family per day just is. Not. Enough. Amiright?

Soooooo ..... click this logo and get your pages, already on the 2 Paper Sisters Etsy Shop! 

2 Paper Sisters